Sagittarius Sun is in the third decan which is about integration, application and mastery. And it will be in conjunction with our Galactic Sun on the 18th, meaning alignment with even more power and flow (insert dance emoji here!) This will continue to expand our consciousness. Making our dreams even more potent and revealing at this time. They may speak deeply to you about where you have shut down, abandon or pushed away parts of yourself because they were misunderstood by others. These parts are waiting for your invitation back into who you are. They are gifts, intuition and power. We may have sudden awakenings when we invite them back in.
THIS is the season to call back what you have suppressed. As it is embraced, it becomes activated, fully loved and accepted. Remember that you came in able to see and feel differently for a reason. Embracing more of who you are will allow you to be amazed, so get ready! Allowing this magic back into who you are will provide you with the strength and resources needed to navigate the intense energies expanding on the planet. You are here to help and may have had to dial it way back in order to fit in and survive. However, you are safe now. As you protect these gifts and your heart, you become your own champion. It is important to realize that no one else can affirm or validate these gifts. It is your job to embrace and own your power, as you are meant to stand in it now around what makes you different.
 In order to invite in more of our multi-dimensional gifts, ask the Universe, which loves you unconditionally, for more clarity on what it was that you abandoned. Here we are awarded turning points in understanding our lives and our Soul lessons.
Regarding Relationships;
While Dec. 12 was particularly hard on relationships as we may have had tough conversations around what we need, Dec. 15th brings in some understanding that wasn’t there, during those conversations, and which is needed to support forward movement. Be careful not to waste words, keep coming back to the crux of the matter.