As I am sitting here, contemplating the transits of this year and the potentials of it all, I am hopeful, eager, hesitant and cautious… The year of 2025 is a culmination year. By the final quarter of the year we will be granted the rewards of many challenging resignations and this can certainly give us cause for confidence. (So fear not.) The beginning half of the year is, there is no way around it, humbling. Looking at each of the transits, there is a wonderful combination of both death/ transformation/ dissolution and opportunity/ maturity/ revelation.
My friends, I am never interested in doom and gloom reporting and .... still, this will be a very complex and possibly heavy year. This is a Yin year, feminine in nature. A year of descending into the underworld (Yes- even more so) to find out what is in our hearts. But just think of the implications here! We will NOT leave the way we came in... and with all of this inner intensity, isn't that a wonderful thing? Whether it be pain or joy, we will find with greater detail what we need for emotional safety. So that we may co-create our futures to be what we need, rather than what someone else may have told us that we need. And I advise, we allow ourselves to set and execute our intentions thusly.
Many of us will be completely deconstructing the persona. Who am I? Who have I been until now? Where am I headed? Alas because this is a year of reflection, we will be oscillating between beliefs, realizations and also behaviors. One step forward two steps back, three steps forward three steps back. The good news is that with each expansion, we will find a new edge and with each contraction we will refine that desire.
Saturn comes into conjunction with Neptune in Aries in June of this year but the effects will be felt in April/March depending on your own natal placements.
What to know about this?
Neptune is complete openness, oneness, it is expansion and there are no limits to the dreams we are capable of conjuring! In detriment it is escapism, addiction, neglect.
Saturn is contraction, limitations, restrictions, reality checks, authority, paternal, rigid and fair. In exaltation it rewards hard work, it matures us, it brings mastery.
These conjoined planets will be squaring optimistic, overindulgent, lucky and expansive Jupiter. So together, while we are called to expand, we are also getting squeezed on certain aspects of our experience. What this indicates is a lot of confusion.
However what is happening is a great illuminating disclosure. This is the year it all comes to light. And disillusionment (no longer in illusion) brings disappointment, frustration and discouragement... The dissolution (dissolving) of our foundations can bring great depression because what we have stood upon previously is no longer applicable as we rise up and mature. So, it is important to focus on the positive changes… looking for them purposefully and with intention. This is an excellent year for journalling, yoga, dance, Spiritual Life Coaching, going deeper and sitting with the discomfort in order to examine and determine the direction of inner transformation. It is all there, we do not have to create it… only to create space in order to meet it.
Neptune rules the immune system, and this could be a big year of ill health. Saturn is demanding that we “grow up”, end our naivety and step into truth, no matter how humiliated we are for having believed a different story… whether it is a story about ourselves or the external world at large. We will reach for things that we think should work, but if they are not for us, they will absolutely not materialize, and we will learn through that disappointment. This too is a powerful teacher, though we may attempt to circumvent it.
If you are affected by the Saturn Neptune conjunction, then you will experience a positive affect from the Pluto, Chiron, Uranus transits. Resulting in many existential questions. What is sacred, Divine, love, purpose?
Pluto, Chiron and Uranus are heavy hitters this year. I have gone over some of the symptoms of them already, but I will get a little more specific on the ways in which these planets can show up for you.
The great thing about these three this year is that they are forming harmonious aspects, which are supportive and life affirming. So, while Chiron presents as a crisis, it is a healing crisis. And while Pluto removes- it also delivers. And Uranus blows up… however it also enlightens and liberates. This is an important insight to appreciate as you navigate your personal mine field. I wonder what that means to you right now and what that will mean in six months?
If you have planets or points in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius between 0*-4* you will have challenging Pluto Aspects and both Uranus and Chiron will be affecting you as well. These last from 3-20 years and mean death/resurrection.
(If you are my client, you can ask me about your chart regarding this.)
Remember that Pluto is the force of evolution. Resistance to evolution is the source of all pain and suffering. Non-resistance equals new values, new tools, relationships and gifts. A small resistance creates stagnation, creates pressure resulting ultimately in a death or removal. So it is best to allow as much as we can here...
If these planets are aspecting your Sun, you will be working deeply with your sense of self and you WILL be humbled. ( Yaaaay! Trust me, it feels so much nicer to move from the level of the Earth rather than the high horse)
If they are aspecting your Moon, you will be dealing with deeeeeep, old emotions, family conditioning, your deeper needs. And you will learn to find that emotional safety in completely new ways.
If they are aspecting your Mercury, you will be restructuring your mind, the way it processes information and how you speak and connect both internally and externally.
If they are aspecting your Venus, it is the death of what you thought love meant, what it felt like, your expectations, preferences and tastes and also your ability to love. It can also transform the way you make money as Venus is what we hold to be valuable. If your values change, so too can your vocation. It can be a divorce settlement, feeling either powerful or powerless.
If it is aspecting your Mars, it will be healing your anger (by triggering it), your capacity for action, your will power and self confidence and also your ability to navigate forward. True North may become a completely different vision. We are challenged to stay with it, even in the contractions. Perhaps something needs to be refined, however, not necessarily abandoned. It can and most likely will be shifting and repairing your Masculine side. That is a huge theme for the planet, as Chiron stays the longest in Aries (ruled by Mars). We are all healing the malignant masculine within.
In conclusion;
The biggest gift we can give ourselves and others this year, will be gentle-gentle compassion! Read that again. Write it on your hand and the bathroom mirror. Go ahead and root your whole modus operandi in the practice of surrendering to the enigma. Each person will be surrendering their own concepts and beliefs, conceding to the unknown around sex, death, money, relationships… Things are going away this year! The depth of your suffering depends greatly upon your willingness to accept these changes. The harder you try to hang on and control, the harder that proverbial kick to the head… This of course will be much more difficult if your transits or Sun are in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn. Because fixed things do NOT like change. (Says the Taurus with 3 local planets…If I can do this, you can, and yes… I will!)
This is a time for copious amounts of patience, reflection, developing inwardly, reflecting deeply on both past intentions and Soul intentions. Find an astrologer and life coach and work with them toward your goals as there will be so much knitting and unraveling, that we may find near complete overwhelm if we do not have assistance and grounded support. You MUST budget your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health this year. And if you do, 2026, 27 & 28 will bring incredible NEW beauty that will be long lasting. We are talking about real satisfaction. Because where we tend to go wrong as human beings is seeking happiness instead of satisfaction. One cannot be happy if what they want disappears. But one can find satisfaction if they are putting it in a larger context. If they look for the hidden gem. Enticing, no?
So again, while this will be a year of egoic (by this I mean the personality) deaths, the light at the end of the tunnel promises deeper connection and rooted truthful awareness, which in turn allows us to begin trusting our decisions.
Sending you all SO much love and deep….. slow…….. breaths…….
Enter birth data below to look at your chart. Look at the transits in the list, find their degree point and see if you have any matches! If this is all too much, reach out for a reading- I am always happy to serve!
Transit Aspects below:
December 6th, 2024 – February 23rd, 2025: Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer
January 2nd, 2025, at 11:21 pm PT: Mars Rx (1°08 Leo) opposes Pluto (1°08 Aquarius)
February 1st, 2025, at 8:33 am PT: Venus conjoins Neptune (27°59 Pisces)
March 13th, 2025, at 11:54 pm PT: Total lunar eclipse (23°56 Virgo)
March 14th – April 7th, 2025: Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces
March 27th, 2025, at 6:13 am PT: Venus Rx conjoins Neptune (29°53 Pisces)
March 29th, 2025, at 3:57 am PT: Partial solar eclipse (9°00) Aries
March 29th, 2025, at 7:17 pm PT: Mercury Rx enters Pisces
March 30th, 2025, at 4:57 am PT: Neptune enters Aries
April 1st, 2025, at 1:38 am PT: Venus Rx conjoins the North Node (27°21 Pisces)
April 4th, 2025, at 9:20 am PT: Saturn (24°55 Pisces) sextiles Uranus (24°55 Taurus)
April 26th, 2025, at 6:05 pm PT: Mars (3°48 Leo) opposes Pluto (3°48 Aquarius)
May 24th, 2025, at 8:35 pm PT: Saturn enters Aries
June 9th, 2025, at 2:02 pm PT: Jupiter enters Cancer
June 15th, 2025, at 2:46 am PT: Mars (28°54 Leo) squares Uranus (28°54 Taurus)
June 15th, 2025, at 7:36 am PT: Jupiter (1°18 Cancer) squares Saturn (1°18 Aries)
June 18th, 2025, at 8:16 pm PT: Jupiter (2°06 Cancer) squares Neptune (2°06 Aries)
July 7th, 2025, at 12:47 am PT: Uranus enters Gemini
July 17th – August 11th, 2025: Mercury retrograde in Leo
August 8th, 2025, at 7:52 pm PT: Mars (1°20 Libra) opposes Saturn Rx (1°20 Aries)
August 9th, 2025, at 3:13 pm PT: Mars (1°50 Libra) opposes Neptune Rx (1°50 Aries)
August 11th, 2025, at 10:30 pm PT: Venus conjoins Jupiter (14°03 Cancer)
August 28th, 2025, at 5:14 pm PT: Uranus (1°26 Gemini) sextiles Neptune Rx (1°26 Aries)
September 1st, 2025, at 1:06 am PT: Saturn Rx enters Pisces
September 4th, 2025, at 7:58 pm PT: Mars (18°35 Libra) squares Jupiter (18°35 Cancer)
September 7th, 2025, at 11:08 am PT: Total lunar eclipse (15°22 Pisces)
September 21st, 2025, at 12:54 pm PT: Partial solar eclipse (29°05 Virgo)
September 24th, 2025, at 4:51 am PT: Mars (1°27 Scorpio) squares Pluto Rx (1°27 Aquarius)
October 22nd, 2025, at 2:50 am PT: Neptune Rx enters Pisces
November 4th, 2025, at 9:30 am PT: Mars (0°08 Sagittarius) opposes Uranus Rx (0°08 Gemini)
November 7th, 2025, at 6:19 pm PT: Uranus Rx enters Taurus
November 9th – 29th, 2025: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio
December 8th, 2025, at 4:15 pm PT: Mars (25°15 Sagittarius) squares Saturn (25°15 Pisces)
December 14th, 2025, at 3:43 am PT: Mars (29°22 Sagittarius) squares Neptune (29°22 Pisces)